Do you have a news story or case study that is just not getting written? We can help with one-off PR activities.

Contact us today
, we’re here to help.


There are so many elements to marketing, it’s sometimes hard to know which ones to focus on to reach objectives and deliver successful & cost-effective campaigns. And drawing on the expertise required for each area is not always needed all at the same time.

So whenever necessary, Laan Associates can provide you with a ‘virtual’ resource to either plan and/or implement a one-off project or a series of campaigns or alternatively, we can supplement your existing team by working on a specific project, but only for as long as you need it. This can be hours, weeks or months, whatever your requirements.

We all know budgets are tight, so make sure they are working hard for your business.

An experienced & flexible resource you can turn on and off like a tap? Now that is refreshing.



Have you got something to say?

Laan Associates offers expertise in marketing, design & print. This includes:

Communicate with your customers and prospects:

Corporate collateral
Internal communications
Exhibition stands / collateral
Copy writing
Corporate signage

If you need additional resource in any of these areas, or you’re not sure which areas to focus on, why not contact Laan Associates to see how we can help? You may just be surprised at the outcome.